Friday, 25 March 2011

Is It Spring?

Hi Everyone,

I know it’s been a while since my last blog - a few week I think, but it feels like a lot longer!

So what been happening with me since then?

Well first of all I’m a whole year older since me last post, it was my Birthday on the 7th. Although I was mega excited for reason, (which is really unlike me) – it was a bit of a anticlimax. Most of my friends and family were at work or had no money until the end of the month, so it was a erm… quite birthday lol. But I’m not sad or anything because what happened was I spent time with different groups/individuals on different days and time. So it was like an extended birthday were I was spending quality time with the people I care most about. Present-wise I was kitted out with a whole new library of books, DVDs and other bits and pieces. Including the book I’ve been wanted for ages called ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’, I’ve heard great things about this book so I can’t wait to get stuck in. And a massive thank you to my dearest friend Jes for buying it for me - *big hugs*

Slowly but surely the weather is picking up and what a different a bit of sun makes! I’m smiling a lot more, I’m in a more positive mood, I’m generally a happier person. So I thought to myself it’s time for a Spring Clean, not just a tidy up at home but in my life. I spend way too much time stressing and worrying about things that really don’t matter and very little time doing things and spending time with the people that do matter. So I’m going to try my best to do my best, and I’ll try to use this blog to help me. I think if I keep at it, logging bits of my life, it will give the opportunity to see where I’ve been to where I am at, at that very moment in time.

Oh and one more thing I just wanted to add, just because he really made me smile last weekend. There a picture of my loyal cute doggy – Kyzer

Aww bless!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Young Killings

Youth crime/ gang crime we hear a lot about it these days, in the papers and TV. It’s sad, because it’s happening so often now people are being desensitized about this twisted reality. Young killings no longer shock us, it’s not even headline news anymore – just a insert in the middle or near the back of the paper. It’s almost like we should expect it, because its ‘normal’.

It’s easy to slip into that way thinking and I guess we all have in some form or another, including myself. But things aren’t always what they seem (especially if there in the paper), and it’s not about gang crime or postcode lottery. Sometimes it truly is bright, talented young person with big dreams, who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It really upsets me, they’re so young and I just don’t understand how things have got like this.

There was a program on BBC Three last night, which I believe was aired first on BBC Four in January called ‘Scenes from a Teenage Killing’. This program touch my heart. It’s the first program I’ve seen to explore the impact teenage killings have on families and communities across the UK. I don’t know any of the families or victims featured nor do I know anyone connected to any other youth accident since. But living in London I see flowers and tributes all the time, and I never really understood what happens after for the family and friends, the community they live in – it opened my eyes. The sadness and anger felt by those left behind I couldn’t possibly imagine. I pray this will end I really do, and also for the family and friends for those who have passed.

I’ve attached the link below, please if haven’t seen it please watch. Or if not when you see a story of a young person stabbed or shot etc please don’t label them with the stains that the media have created, just be aware and where you can show your support. And WE CAN put a stop to this once and for all cause its not right.

For anyone who does know somebody who has passed, I really don’t mean any disrespect I just want it stop.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My First Post!

Hi everyone!

I’m quite new to blogging…I really hope I don’t bore anyone. I read other peoples blogs all the time so thought I’d give it a go. There isn’t really a theme to this blog, I’m not solely going to focus on any particular thing. I’m just going to talk about things that are in my heart or that I think is interesting at the time. I’ll also throw some pictures/post of things I see and do…just as a memory log I guess.

But I really hope you guys do like it here :)