Monday 20 January 2014

You Need to Sweat

Hi everyone,

With a new year everyone tends to make goals and targets of things they would like to achieve, one of the most common things people want to improve is Health and Fitness. Goals are something I tend to do throughout the year anyway, but over the Christmas I admit my eyes were far bigger then my belly. For the most part I a very happy with my weight/body and I don't really have the discipline to stick to a strict diet. For me looking good is all nice and well but being healthy is my main priority. So my goal is to tone up a bit and strengthen my core. Making exercise a habit not occasion.

A lot of you guys have probably already heard of Blogilates, Cassey Ho is one favourite fitness influencers. What I really like is her session aren't necessary long, but they are effective. And if you sign up to her Website she make these amazing monthly workout plans - she will make you sweat hard. Plus she has really bubbly friendly personality that give you an instant connection.

I will do a before and after, but for now here is one of my current favourite videos.

On the topic of health and fitness, I've noticed sportswear is really starting to fashionable these days. So now you don't  have to look a complete hot mess lol.

Take care x


  1. Cassey from Blogilates is the best! Good luck with your goals :)


    Sade xo

    1. Thanks Sade :)

      I'll be sure to check out your blog
