Hey guys,
Remember I said I’d let you know about any bargains or money savers,
well I nearly forgot all about ‘Black Friday’. Black Friday is the day
following Thanksgiving in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the
Christmas shopping season. I know what you are thinking ‘that’s great for the
US, but what about the rest of us?’.
Fear not people Amazon and Comet offering a 5 day spectacular,
there are also rumors with Apple but I’m not sure about that. Basically it a
limited quantity of products being offered at a discount for a short period of
time. Both start from 25th November and apparently you could save
some serious £££s.
Also Foot Locker are offering 30% off from the 24th-
27th November, print off the
VIP pass from their Facebook page
That’s all I’ve find so far but I’ll let you if I see anything
Hope your having a good day and Happy Thanksgiving :)