Hey everyone,
Hope your all well.
The other day I thought today is the day I’m going to clear out my wardrobe, as annoying as it is we all got to do it so why not now right? So in I go, digging and pulling out clothes that to be honest haven’t seen the light of day in ages. And before I know it my room is a mess I can’t see my floor or bed just these colourful mountains of clothes and I’m less then half way in the wardrobe.
…Hmm I’m bored now and hungry... and look the girls have invited me to dinner I can’t let them down right? …yeah these excuses went on for days and I still haven’t finished, some things are hiding in suitcases *shh…* lol :D
But its got to done, I have learned one good tip though BE HARSH, ask yourself when am I going to wear this? And when was the last time I worn it?
So I eventually got things in a decent order and its already getting messy again! Sigh…What was the point?
Look how happy I am with Panda Paul |
I found these cute panda mittens though I wore them straight away
(the end of the day)
Wtf its BALD! Hair today gone tomorrow LOL |
Oh well in a way I guess it makes them even more cute :) |
Do you guys have any tips any cleaning the wardrobe? And how do you
stay focused?