Hey everyone,
This post is long overdue *sorry* but I was awarded the Kreativ
Blogger award! Woo-hoo my first award *AwwwYeah!* (^_-)d.
Big thank you to Rebecca at ‘A Window of Thought’ (http://awindowofthoughts.blogspot.co.uk/)
for awarding it to me. Definitely check her out, she’s genuinely cool and gives really good advice
about hair care and occasionally beauty tips too :)

Ok so here its goes
Conditions for Accepting the Award are:
- Link back to the person who gave you this award
- Answer the questions below
- Award 10 other blogs and let them know in a comment or email
- Share 7 random thoughts about yourself
1. Name your favorite song: Aww this is such horrible
question for me, I don't have a favorite but at the moment I’m really
liking "Light up the World" by Yasmin, it’s kind of got that 'old
skool' vibe.
3. What ticks
me off: General foolishness, rudeness, liars and ignorance
4. When I'm
upset I: Walk away and keep it to myself, which works sometimes but I
really have to work on letting people in and letting go
5. What is
your favorite pet: KYZER! My bubbi, don't know what I’d do without him
6. Black or
white: ♪ ♪ 'Black is my colour' ♪ ♪ - *Brown Sugar stylie* - hands up for
Lovers Rock LOL
7. Biggest
fear: Death. It really freaks me out I try not the think about it
too much but it’s always in the back of my mind.
8. Everyday
attitude: The day is what you make it, because just in case you didn't
know your awesome!
9. What is
perfection: I don't think there is such a thing, to
me perfection is something with flaws
10. Guilty
pleasures: Laughing at others expense, I know it’s wrong but sometimes
it can't be helped - especially when people drop and try style it out LOL.
Another one I suppose is that I watch a lot of cartoons but I’m not ashamed of
that :P
7 Random thoughts about ME
· I'm really forgetful, but I’m good at making up for it (and apologies in advance lol)
· I listen to a lot of Asian music, actually any genre I’m not even joking - I'm just big mix really depends what mood I’m in
· The amount of friends I have has decreased dramatically, but the quality of those still with me is awesome :)
· At this very moment I am rubbing Kyzer's belly with my foot LOL
· Constantly talk, laugh and sing to myself, I've been doing it for years I can't help it
· I never know how to react to compliments or when
people cry - seriously I’m useless (O_O)
I'm a really bad liar my face always gives me away
So it’s time for me to spread the
love and award cool bloggers
Laura-May - http://septdecembre.blogspot.co.uk