Friday, 9 September 2011


Hey Guys,

This week has been pretty grey week to be honestly and not a lot has happened. But yesterday I decided to treat Kyz to a nice long night time walk. Where we came as a poster for a missing cat – there was nothing on it expect a fussy black and white picture and a number. After reading it I thought to myself how would I feel if Kyz went missing, what would I put on the poster? Do people even pay any attention to these poster anymore?

Hmmm… at work I was talking to a college about and he said people would look at the poster if it was advertise properly. Then he referred me to this site [click the link]

Although I hope it will never happen it’s definitely food for thought lol :D 

smiley face Kyz :)

Take care x

Monday, 5 September 2011

Too Cute

Hey guys,

Some for you probably know this song already, as it is quickly taking over the world. But I just I’d link it up because I’m absolutely addicted to it ~ its so cute!

"PONPONPON" performed by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 


Saturday, 3 September 2011

I'll See You...

Hey guys,

Grandma leaves today…last night I was pretty sad but I’m ok now because I know it’s not the last time I’ll see her and I’m am incredibly blessed to have her in my life. And as much as I love her being around, I know I can’t be selfish. I have rich precious memories of our time together, which are so strong I’m smiling just thinking about them. How could I deny friends and family overseas that? So have a safe journey Grandma, there are a lot of smiley faces waiting to welcome you back home. Thank you for everything and I’ll see you again.

Love you Grandma x

- Sorry I know this post is a bit unsocial but it’s just how I’m feeling today, hope you guys are well :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Durdle Door

Hi everyone,

After Grandma’s party everyone was really tired and feeling a bit low, so to make the most of the ‘summer’ weather myself and a few family members decided to go to the beach. But not the usual Brighton, South End etc. Because we all seen it before and to be fair most of my memories the water was brown, there were hard pebbles and it was freaking cold. Although I’m sure they’ve probably given it a nice clean by now but still…so we went to Durdle Door.

Isn't it great, I like this picture because its looks fake :) - its not!

Believe it or not this is the UK O_O

It’s not like a resort or anything so it was quiet and peaceful, there wasn’t shops and attractions it’s just a stunning piece of coast to mediate and relax. The water was beautiful and it was surprisingly warm the younger children puddle and myself and a few of the elder lot decided to tackle the cliff. Once we got up to the top…wow! I know this sounds cheesy but you just feel at peace with the world and really appreciate your life.

I would definitely go back, its took us a while to get there but it is SO worth it. As summer is nearly over I’ll try to find a beach closer to London that is a bit closer so more people can come.

Any recommendations?

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Hey guys,

How have you all been? I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while I have been so busy, but where I could take pictures and make mental notes of what was happening to post in here later. For the life of me I can’t remember the days these things happened so bear with me.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it before but over the last few months myself and the family have been organizing a surprise party for my grandma’s 80th birthday and there was so much to do! And because of amount of people expected most of my ‘running up and down’ was for food. Seriously the amount of chicken we had to buy, clean and season it completely put off chicken *well for now anyway*. Don’t get me started on the amount of fish…anyway enough talk of food I’m making myself hungry.

My aunty had a really old picture of grandma when she was younger however the picture was so old it was literally falling apart, so I took it and had it restored and blown up so we could make it a feature picture over her cake table. I am so happy with how it came out (they edited the picture though, because original had her friend). This cake was made by a family friend isn’t it gorgeous – Thanks Leeann

This was only one cake, Grandma had three! yes!  (^_-) d

The party itself was massive success grandma was so happy and she really had a great time, even at 3am she was still there dancing away. She her so happy made all the effort totally worth it. I’m going to miss her so much when she goes back to Jamaica.
Me and Grandma <3
I took last week off to sort the party things out, but also as it’s the school holidays I spent time with my nephews. I was given a fish tank by one of my aunts so they helped me clean and sort it out. We also did some baking  - awww they’re so cute, they really like it and really got involved. And where I a spare moment with stopped for ice-cream.

Hmm… what else…oh yeah I did some apple picking with my sister and boyfriend in my aunts garden, I know it sounds lame but I was actually a lot of fun, we fun finding weird looking apples that look like buttholes ^_^

Oh yeah the London Riots was an unexpected source of entertainment, some people are brave man. Looting shops with their bear faces haha all grinning in the camera and all sorts  - what fools! I’m not condoning the violence/looting but I do believe it (or something to that scale) needed to happen. It was the golden opportunity to address the problems/issues Londoners have suffered with for so long. I don’t agree with how the government and the police have handle things, if anything I think their current methods are making the divide in London worst, which will then lead to more crime. So yeah…2012 and the Olympics will be interesting.

…that’s all I can  really remember… how is your summer going so far?