Friday, 30 December 2011

Big Foot

Hi everyone,

So how was your Christmas? Mine was ok we spent it at ours so there was plenty for me to do, helping mum with the shopping, cooking and intense cleaning. It was nice having some of the family together laughing and joking around. However a day before hand I sprained my foot so I spent most of my time on my ass lol. But overall it was a good day listening to reggae Christmas songs really cheered me up and seeing how much fun my nephews were having. Fortunately my mum got a foot spa for Christmas so put that to good use straight away.

How festive! hahaha

Sunday, 25 December 2011


Hi everyone,

Just thought I’d do a quick post to say Merry Christmas and I hope you all have wonderful day. Filled with lots of laughter and love because we are all truly blessed to make it through the year. And it’s important to remember and recognize God is good.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Cosy belly warmers

Its getting cold over here so these days I'm cooking a lot more hearty meals. This is my creamy fish pie, thought i'd share with you guys ;)
Mmmmm :)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

London High

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to quickly share this view with you, the other day I had my work ‘Christmas Party’ at Center Point in London. Basically it’s a big skyscraper in the middle of London, from it you have a beautiful view of East and West London.

Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live in such a multicultural and booming city. Although I heard the Hong Kong skyline is even better. Hope I get to see it one day.

Oh and I case you’re wondering the party wasn't all that, but I suppose the view was worth it.

Anyhoo this is just a quick post to share, hope your well J

Bye x

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

King me!

Hi Guys,

Brrr! it’s getting cold!

Remember in my last post I mentioned Amazon were having an amazing sale well look at these bad boys, ' A Game of Thrones: The Story Continues: A Song of Ice and Fire'. I’ve been wanting to read this for a while, I even refused to watch the show (now showing on Sky Atlantic) until I at last read the first book.
The delivery was super fast too :D
Yes I do realize how geeky I must seem lol, but seriously this was a bargain, normally this book set would be £39.99 but no way am I paying that much for a book! this was only £14.49 *yay!* bear in mind that there are five books in the box.
So pretty, so colorful, I'm so happy
Although someone did bring up a valid point 'why don't you just buy a Kindle?'...*kmt!!!*. They are absolutely right it would save space, (because book quickly grow from small pile to stack on the floor), paper and just general luggage in my bag! oh well, this doesn't take away the fact I am happy with what I have. Maybe after Christmas I’ll see what my finances are like and what not. 

So how about you, any books, TV series or movies that you would recommended?

Well better rap up this post Kyz is screaming to go for his walk, laters! 

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Black Friday

Hey guys,

Remember I said I’d let you know about any bargains or money savers, well I nearly forgot all about ‘Black Friday’. Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. I know what you are thinking ‘that’s great for the US, but what about the rest of us?’.

Fear not people Amazon and Comet offering a 5 day spectacular, there are also rumors with Apple but I’m not sure about that. Basically it a limited quantity of products being offered at a discount for a short period of time. Both start from 25th November and apparently you could save some serious £££s.

Also Foot Locker are offering 30% off from the 24th- 27th November, print off the VIP pass from their Facebook page

That’s all I’ve find so far but I’ll let you if I see anything else. 

Hope your having a good day and Happy Thanksgiving :)

Friday, 11 November 2011


Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day Or Armistice Day) is a memorial day observed in the Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember and pay respects to the many members of their armed forces who had died in the line of duty. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the official end of the World War I on that date in 1918, hostilities officially ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. 

The red remembrance poppy has become a tradition of Remembrance Day due to the poem 'In Flanders Fields'. These poppies grew across some of the worst battlefields of Flanders in the war, their red color an appropriate symbol for the blood spilled in the war.
(sourced from Wikipedia)

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Starry Sky

Hi Guys,

Are you well? Did you have a good bonfire night? I hope so mine was a bit lame, I didn’t go to any displays or anything which is a real shame as I really like fireworks. Something about the colours and the loud sounds just feels like magic to me. I didn’t go because I felt silly and childish asking me friends to come with me, thinking about it now I shouldn’t felt that way and my friends probably would have come. But I remember going every year when I was younger I guess I was just feeling old. Also I got it into my head fireworks were for couples, which I guess is kind of true it is kind of romantic. Oh well... I stayed at home nursing a really frightened Kyzer  - bless him, he gets so scared. 

I used to love these as a kid :)

In other news for the first time in a while the news put a small smile on my face – yes I am a fan and I always will be!!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Hey everyone,

Hope your all doing well. Things for me have gotten really busy again, I haven't had much time so a social life and fun, but I’m not complaining. Last weekend I did to have a little bit fun time at the London International Technology Show (LITS) showcasing the latest in 3D technology, computing, tablets, mobile and stuff. There were demonstrations and guests speakers all the things to full your geeky needs and Apple hall of fame timeline.

The 3D games and movies were really cool, but my eyes did start going trippy after a while.

Yeah I know I look a bit of a mess here hehehe
free tech mags woo hoo!
This was the first year so it wasn’t that good but I’m sure that well improve in time, it would been nice if they showcased cameras and stuff, instead of boosting the things we’ve heard of but can’t afford. Oh well it kept me entertain of a while.

laters! :)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Need Money?

Hey Everyone!

Ahh autumn, the leaves are falling and the winds are blowing! You got to love this time of year its cold enough to wear and hat and scarf but warm enough not to draw for the big winter coat. Oh yeah, I’m a layers fan!

But that’s not what I wanted to talk about, I’m not sure about the rest of you guys but here in the UK things are getting tight, money just isn’t scratching as far as it did before. Plus we’re not far from Christmas :(

So what can I do to get more money? (to be honest I’ve been asking this question since I was a kid) I’m no expert or anything but here are a few ideas.

Selling on Ebay - According to Ebay we are all sitting on £450 worth of unwanted but highly sellable items. *Time to raid the cupboards me thinks*

Piggy bank – yep back to basics! You know when your purse is getting a big bulky from pennies or maybe not buy that coffee on the way to work. Pop your change in your piggy bank, it soon adds up (I’ve been doing this for years!)

Opinions – There are loads of sites that will pay you for doing short surveys – *hey, you’re on the internet anyway might as well* Here is a few I like Toluna , YouGov , Valued Opinions

Car boot sale -  I know what your thinking and no I haven’t lost my mind, their actually quite trendy these day as are charity shops. It’s a great place to find bargains, and there’s always one nearby. However check the weather before hand, have plenty of change and don’t forget to smile!

Banking  - Make sure the money you do have is in the right place, think about ISA’s and various saving accounts *I sound like a grandma! Lol but it’s all good advice*

I hope you guys found that useful, these are the main ideas I could think of but if I discover anything else as always I’ll share :)

Bye x

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


I can’t believe I’m blogging about this… for those who know me, you’ll already know I’m not the biggest Apple fan. I think their overpriced and overhyped and after the latest launch announcement I stand strongly behind my statement. After all the waiting, rumors and speculations about an iPhone 5 it turns out to be a ‘new’ iPhone 4S.  – What was that, the sigh of disappointment? Yeah I KNOW! Kmt!

Basically it’s the same as the iPhone 4 but with a few extra perks, which in a nutshell are
  • A new chip (same as iPad 2) that makes the graphics faster
  • 8 megapixel rear camera – but seriously in today’s market would you expect any less!
  • Voice-controlled talking assistant – like KITT from Knight Rider (well sort of…)
  • Makes decent calls (apparently)
 Hmm… I still was expecting a lot more, especially for £400-£500 quid. This isn’t enough to convert me I’m afraid, the Samsung Galaxy SII I believe is still a better buy – cheaper too :P

Who knows maybe I’m speaking too soon...

UPDATE: Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Supermarket Goodies

Hey guys,

We here in the UK are so lucky right now, the weather is gorgeous!
Beautiful blue sky :)
Seriously I can’t believe this is October, I mean c’mon our summer wasn’t even that good.

I thought I’d show you guys a few things that I’ve pick up recently that I’m loving. Check these little beauties out!

I really needed a jumper, cause around this time it starts to get cold so I wanted something that wasn’t too thick to like a light day jumper. And this one from Tesco’s works a treat the color and pattern are so cute for that preppy-look and the quality is really good and soft. And to top it off the sleeves are lovely and long, which is something thing that I normally straggle with. Buy Jumper from Tesco

I also picked up these gorgeous loafers, aren’t they cute. I wanted a pair of day-shoes because living in converses all the time just doesn’t work. Anyways back to the loafers really comfortable and as if by magic when they are on they make my feet appear small and cute. This was my first time buying clothing from Tesco and I am impressed (every little helps indeed!) :)

Continuing on through my supermarket sweep ASDA do a decent pair of plain black leggings, this is actually my third time buying these. Quality-wise really good, they hold their color well, they don’t bobble and they don’t gather at the knees. And most importantly they are NOT see through! (this is a big problem with leggings these days).

As you can probably tell I’m a make-up novice but I am really liking this All Over Face Brush from Avon. Very good quality and well made. It doesn't drop any bristles and is soft and silky so feels lovely on your face when applying powder. I think It is a bargain even at full price but if it's on an offer you should go for it! I would defiantly recommend it. Buy All Over Face Brush from Avon

I haven’t really been buying much recently, these days things are getting quite expensive but if I do see a bargains I’ll defiantly share with guys (^_^)

Bye x

Monday, 3 October 2011


Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of entries I really haven’t the time to sit down and chill *sigh* - it’s so annoying though. You know when things are quiet, you have time to yourself, time to have long-ass baths and have a routine *ahhh*. Then suddenly thing get so busy and you can’t do any of that. Why now does everyone want my attention and time?

Oh well it well soon blow over…right?

Take Care ;)

Friday, 9 September 2011


Hey Guys,

This week has been pretty grey week to be honestly and not a lot has happened. But yesterday I decided to treat Kyz to a nice long night time walk. Where we came as a poster for a missing cat – there was nothing on it expect a fussy black and white picture and a number. After reading it I thought to myself how would I feel if Kyz went missing, what would I put on the poster? Do people even pay any attention to these poster anymore?

Hmmm… at work I was talking to a college about and he said people would look at the poster if it was advertise properly. Then he referred me to this site [click the link]

Although I hope it will never happen it’s definitely food for thought lol :D 

smiley face Kyz :)

Take care x

Monday, 5 September 2011

Too Cute

Hey guys,

Some for you probably know this song already, as it is quickly taking over the world. But I just I’d link it up because I’m absolutely addicted to it ~ its so cute!

"PONPONPON" performed by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 


Saturday, 3 September 2011

I'll See You...

Hey guys,

Grandma leaves today…last night I was pretty sad but I’m ok now because I know it’s not the last time I’ll see her and I’m am incredibly blessed to have her in my life. And as much as I love her being around, I know I can’t be selfish. I have rich precious memories of our time together, which are so strong I’m smiling just thinking about them. How could I deny friends and family overseas that? So have a safe journey Grandma, there are a lot of smiley faces waiting to welcome you back home. Thank you for everything and I’ll see you again.

Love you Grandma x

- Sorry I know this post is a bit unsocial but it’s just how I’m feeling today, hope you guys are well :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Durdle Door

Hi everyone,

After Grandma’s party everyone was really tired and feeling a bit low, so to make the most of the ‘summer’ weather myself and a few family members decided to go to the beach. But not the usual Brighton, South End etc. Because we all seen it before and to be fair most of my memories the water was brown, there were hard pebbles and it was freaking cold. Although I’m sure they’ve probably given it a nice clean by now but still…so we went to Durdle Door.

Isn't it great, I like this picture because its looks fake :) - its not!

Believe it or not this is the UK O_O

It’s not like a resort or anything so it was quiet and peaceful, there wasn’t shops and attractions it’s just a stunning piece of coast to mediate and relax. The water was beautiful and it was surprisingly warm the younger children puddle and myself and a few of the elder lot decided to tackle the cliff. Once we got up to the top…wow! I know this sounds cheesy but you just feel at peace with the world and really appreciate your life.

I would definitely go back, its took us a while to get there but it is SO worth it. As summer is nearly over I’ll try to find a beach closer to London that is a bit closer so more people can come.

Any recommendations?

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Hey guys,

How have you all been? I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while I have been so busy, but where I could take pictures and make mental notes of what was happening to post in here later. For the life of me I can’t remember the days these things happened so bear with me.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it before but over the last few months myself and the family have been organizing a surprise party for my grandma’s 80th birthday and there was so much to do! And because of amount of people expected most of my ‘running up and down’ was for food. Seriously the amount of chicken we had to buy, clean and season it completely put off chicken *well for now anyway*. Don’t get me started on the amount of fish…anyway enough talk of food I’m making myself hungry.

My aunty had a really old picture of grandma when she was younger however the picture was so old it was literally falling apart, so I took it and had it restored and blown up so we could make it a feature picture over her cake table. I am so happy with how it came out (they edited the picture though, because original had her friend). This cake was made by a family friend isn’t it gorgeous – Thanks Leeann

This was only one cake, Grandma had three! yes!  (^_-) d

The party itself was massive success grandma was so happy and she really had a great time, even at 3am she was still there dancing away. She her so happy made all the effort totally worth it. I’m going to miss her so much when she goes back to Jamaica.
Me and Grandma <3
I took last week off to sort the party things out, but also as it’s the school holidays I spent time with my nephews. I was given a fish tank by one of my aunts so they helped me clean and sort it out. We also did some baking  - awww they’re so cute, they really like it and really got involved. And where I a spare moment with stopped for ice-cream.

Hmm… what else…oh yeah I did some apple picking with my sister and boyfriend in my aunts garden, I know it sounds lame but I was actually a lot of fun, we fun finding weird looking apples that look like buttholes ^_^

Oh yeah the London Riots was an unexpected source of entertainment, some people are brave man. Looting shops with their bear faces haha all grinning in the camera and all sorts  - what fools! I’m not condoning the violence/looting but I do believe it (or something to that scale) needed to happen. It was the golden opportunity to address the problems/issues Londoners have suffered with for so long. I don’t agree with how the government and the police have handle things, if anything I think their current methods are making the divide in London worst, which will then lead to more crime. So yeah…2012 and the Olympics will be interesting.

…that’s all I can  really remember… how is your summer going so far?

Monday, 22 August 2011



Hmm… its been a while since my last post, I’m sorry! Once I find the lead for my camera I will back track and upload, until then please bear with me. I’ll be as quick as I can :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

Punting Yeah?

Hey Guys,

Hope you all are well. Sorry I haven’t been posting as often, things have got so busy recently, not that I’m complaining it’s all a good thing really. I’ve been trying my best to spend as much time (even if it’s only an hour)  with friends and family, whilst trying to ‘refresh’ myself…Whoa just realized how dodgy that sounds lol what I mean is I’ve been working on making the most out of myself and thinking about what I want in life. I’ll let you know what progress I make, when I get there :)

Right so this weekend me and my housemates from uni decided to have a little reunion in Cambridge, I was so excited to see them. Because we all live quite far apart and have quite busy lives its quite difficult to spend time together and Cambridge was nice middle ground.
My Essex Road Girlies :)
Cambridge itself was beautiful it reminded me of my time in Canterbury because there was stunning mix of old and new buildings.

On the river there where loads of people doing punting tours, tbh I was tempted but it was so busy on the water for me, it was like bumper cars on water. With no change of clothes that just was not happening. But as we walked up there where parts on the river that were quiet and there where loads of romantic spots to have picnic on the banks. Not that we had a picnic we settled for some Thai food instead.
This was  a quieter part of the river
Seriously how romantic is this, its a guaranteed winner i tells ya :)
For some reason there was random cows wondering around as well, they wasn’t even gated off it was weird.
There were also fruit trees on the sidewalks, which I think is such a nice thing I like to think it makes a city more alive, we used to have them in London and for some reason they are all gone now.

For the life of me I can’t remember the name of this building, but it was so pretty. Although you can’t really see the detail in this picture I quite like the salute, I think it emphasizes the shape more.

Time to go home. I still had energy to burn so decided to keep myself entertain with silly pictures hehe (aren’t you glad I’m not sitting behind you lol)
weird poutty-face (^_^)
ok i'm rambling now , i'll talk to guys soon bye-bye x
Just creepy lol :D

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Never Too Much Corn

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, the truth is absolutely nothing has happened. The weather has been a complete wash out these days so I haven’t been able to spend time with my friends or run around in the park with Kyzer. The past week or so have been stress and drama free, which means I’ve been on auto-pilot not really thinking about anything and only saying enough to get by. Still I must get more focus time is moving on and Grandma isn’t going to be around in the UK for long so I must organize more special days with her. I was thinking of going to Kew Gardens and maybe a nice dinner or lunch after, I think she’ll really appreciate that.

Oh there was one weird thing I saw the other day, I was in the supermarket and there was a guy that had whole trolley full of canned corn. At first I thought maybe he just likes corn? But who does that! You can make dishes of corn alone….can you? I don’t know this baffles me!
I had to sneak over to take a picture ^^

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Bag It Up

Hey Guys,

Just another post, I just wanted to share the bag I just got. I have been on the hunt for creamy colored rucksack bag for months and at last I’ve found one. Isn’t it pretty. I think it will look really nice for summer/autumn and the nude shade can go went most stuff  hehe :)  *-not bad for a lunchtime stroll huh?*  
This can be found at Topshop – it also comes in a really nice shade of brown, oh and black is well.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Getting from A to B

Hey guys,

Just a quick one because I thought this was quite funny, follow the steps below

1- Open Google Maps (directions)
2 - Type China as your starting point
3 - Type Taiwan as your destination.
4 - Read step 48
Lol :)

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Big Hills

Hey Everyone,

Hope all is well. So what going on with me… well as mentioned in the last post I went to Glasgow over the weekend for work. It was quite cool, I went with Helen, she’s super nice so that was good. The train for Glasgow left at 06:00 which meant the taxi came to get me from home at 05:00! *Ahhh way too early* . Have you ever been so tired your eyes burn? – well that was me! But I’m one of those people who find it really hard to fall asleep on transport so I spent the majority of the journey looking out the window and occasionally reading gossip magazines.

these were my supplies to keep me alive on the train

train view, it like a breath of fresh air
The view throughout the journey was so beautiful there were loads of these massive hills/mountains, it must be amazing standing on top of them looking down and seeing for miles. When we got there the street were closed off for the Orange Walk. The crowds gathered on the pavement to see the flags and marching band. Apparently the Orange Walk is originally an Irish thing but for some reason they do it Scotland too :S Oh well it was colorful to look at.
aren't the uniforms cute :)
Glasgow itself was quite nice although it seemed a bit sleepy, like there didn’t seem to be a lot of people about. But to be fair that’s probably because I’m used to the busy streets of London.

look how empty the streets are - and this is Glasgow City Centre :S
The hotel was also quite, I stayed in place called Ibis. The staff were really friendly and helpful and it was funny because they knew straight away we we’re from out of town so they talking to us in a English accent and then they would turn around and be talking in a thick Scottish accent. They switched it on and off so easily, I wish I could do that…well I’d have to be fluent in another language first.

this was my room, it was really cute plus I had a cool view out the window
Food-wise I didn’t try anything exciting because I just didn’t have the time and I was SO sleepy, my dinner was late night pepperoni stuffed crusted pizza (from the Hotel) *Mmm so good*. Then blah, blah, blah work - won't bore you with that... and sleep! 

Overall my visit was quite nice but  if I do come back I’ll definitely have to bring some friends to make some noise cause it was a bit quiet, or who knows maybe I caught them on a ‘off day’. Time to go back to good old London.

bye-bye sleepy Glasgow
Train time!
The long journey back
Ermm… what else? Oh yeah back in London I decided to have a chill day on Monday and Tuesday so I caught up on some zzzz’s and had a nice lunch with a friend (yes, this is the friend who upset me the other day – we decided to make peace). I really must spend some time with my other friends though, I feel like I’m neglecting them especially Heather, Jes and Caroline :(

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Almost a Break

Hi Guys,

Glasgow yay! (^_^)
Guess who is going to Glasgow? ME!! Like this weekend though… I know super short notice but I’m really excited to go. Seriously I don’t go anywhere, I live in the UK but I rarely travel outside London and it is such a shame because there are really are some beautiful places to see *ok so not exactly the sun, sea and sand but it’s still good lol*. But WAIT before I get too excited there is a drawback…I’m working! Yes, it’s true so it’s not really the break I wanted and my lovely friends won’t be there :( but I still get to go to a new place which is cool and be in a hotel and all that jazz so I’m going to try and make the most of it. It’s a 5 hour train journey from London so I’m going be really tired , but I’ll try to take as many pictures as I can.

Do you guys have any plans this summer?